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Recruitment & Apprenticeship
PATRON MANPOWER SERVICE PRIVATE LIMITED is a firm with dedicated practice areas in technology, digital marketing, human resources, sales, finance & accounting, real estate, executive retained search, IT & creative staffing. We offer a wide variety of services, including managed recruiting programs, retained search, staffing & contingent search, and on-demand recruiting. What truly differentiates us is our customized approach to solving our clients' talent acquisition problems. Businesses who choose PATRON MANPOWER SERVICE PRIVATE LIMITED come in many shapes and sizes - large enterprise, small to medium-sized tech firms, startups, agencies & consultancies .

What we do:
PATRON MANPOWER SERVICE PRIVATE LIMITED helps great companies grow by attracting top talent

Manpower staffing
Manpower staffing where an employer transfers all or part of its recruitment processes to an external service provider. An RPO provider can provide its own or may assume the company’s staff, technology, methodologies and reporting. In all cases, RPO differs greatly from providers such as staffing companies and contingent/retained search providers in that it assumes ownership of the design and management of the recruitment process and the responsibility of results.PATRON MANPOWER SERVICE PRIVATE LIMITED is a global leader in contingent staffing and permanent recruitment. Through our expertise in talent resourcing and workforce management, we provide rapid access to a highly qualified and productive pool of candidates. In this constantly shifting world, our flexible workforce solutions provide companies with the business agility needed to succeed.With our team by your side, you are always going to receive the best manpower staffing services of all time. We have our flexible partnership models, which will allow us to be quite responsive and match our unique needs. This might even help in supporting some of the seasonal contract or some short term requirements. We are there by your side, to offer you with contract to hire talents. And these candidates are going to differ, depending on the current project based support. You can get them as permanent employees by your side, and find the right talent for your firm,now .

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Skill Development
Our ever-expanding commitment to the Skill India Mission is based on new-age livelihood skilling solutions that are simple, effective and mobilize whole communities. We have skilled a million-plus youth across 24 industry sectors over the last 6 years. With structured technology blended training, certification, placement and settlement, our mission is to enable India’s employable population to achieve its productive potential. Making unskilled and underprivileged youth employable through vocational training has been a key agenda of our skilling mission. We effectively partner with both central and state governments to deliver vocational training at the broadest level. Our focus is to create skills to take advantage of the opportunities available across multiple sectors.Essential for increasing corporate efficiency and productivity, Centum helps implement key skill training programs for maximum impact. Whether in partnership with organisations like Samahita Social Ventures or Generation India, or initiatives under organizations’ CSR mandate, we deliver a measurable difference. Enhancement of soft skills, understanding corporate culture and business environment are some of the essentials that college-going students need today so that they are ready for a career in the corporate world. Managing our individual growth is very essential along with giving best performance for the organisation one works for. Counselling sessions with experts certainly help students getting much-needed exposure to be truly ready to enter the corporate world.Unlike what is believed, the life of a student is not only about the grades, degrees and passing the examinations.

Social entrepreneurship
since its inception, has been working to empower social entrepreneurs. It is our aim to provide systematic solutions to the challenges faced by every individuals. We have built a networking portal that will enable PATRON MANPOWER SERVICE PRIVATE LIMITED to conduct a series of capacity building programs for social entrepreneurs in its fold through mentorship sessions, webinars and podcasts. Social entrepreneurship is the process by which individuals, startups and entrepreneurs develop and fund solutions that directly address social issues. A social entrepreneur, therefore, is a person who explores business opportunities that have a positive impact on their community, in society or the world. While sometimes confused with nonprofit organizations, social entrepreneurship is a for-profit endeavor, even though a greater emphasis is placed on creating social or environmental changes. Read on to learn more about five companies who practice social entrepreneurship.

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